default-CC Wild Words
normal - CC Astro City
French - Jack Armstrong BB
Vietnamese - HLcomic1_normal
Anime Ace 2 - Regular
Anime Ace 2 - Bold
Anime Ace 2 - Italic
narrate - CC Jim Lee
handwirtten - Augie
emotion - Zud Juice
TITLE: Testing Webtoon Layout - img/img4.jpg EPISODE: 15 Ahhh, comme il fait beau. Enfin du soleil ! C’est bien agréable, vous ne trouvez pas - img2\Timeline 10000.png ghariel (whisper) 폴란드어 할 줄 몰라요. Bonjour. Xin chào! Do you want to add new font? I need help adding new font for different language! Comment ça va ? diana (yell) 영어 할 줄 아세요? Lời nói Tiếng Việt. Something about him! Saying something! FULL NO: Minh hỏi rằng mình có được đi ra biển- img2\Timeline 10001.png Shin (scared) Ça va très bien, merci. Et vous? alis (phone) hello! it's me! Et vous? Nếu mà nó như thế này? SHORT: Shin look at Yoo while they both walk into the dancefloor - img2\Timeline 10003.png Yoo (weird) Ça va, merci. Shin (inner) Comment vous appelez-vous? FULL NO: Diana poiting the wrong doing 8- img2\Timeline 10002.png dian (thought) Je m'appelle Diana, et vous? dian (cute) Comment vous appelez-? So cute? BACKFLASH START FULL LONG NO SKEW: Yoo can't lift her face up because she is can't contained her happiness- img2\Timeline 10003.png Yoo (dark) Je m'appelle Dominique. yoo (dark) Enchanté(e), Dominique. FULL NO SKEW UP: Shin carefully held Yoo's hand to the dance floor. - img2\Timeline 10004.png diana (handwritten) Haha.. This is hand written type FULL LONGG NO SKEW: Shin carefully held Yoo's hand to the dance floor. - img2\Timeline 10004.png Shin (square) Et vous venez d'où, Dominique? DIANA (roundsquare) Je viens de France. Je suis français(e). FOCUS: YeognGi notice the two dancing together faraway - img2\Timeline 10005.png alisa (rabbet) ... This is rabbet balloon? alisa (bevel) Ah, vous êtes français(e). Yeongi look away while the other two dancing and having fun, he don't feel good. - img2\Timeline 10006.png YeongGi (skew) Je viens des États-Unis. This is skew shi (awkward) Je suis américain(e). awkward? BACKFLASH END I love yoo - img2\Timeline 10007.png alisa (diamond) Ah, vous êtes américain(e). another diamond alis (pentagon) Vous venez d'où exactement ? pentagon? FULL NO: dian look at alisa - img2\Timeline 10008.png diana (rightpoint) Ah, vous êtes professeur d'anglais ? so weird rightpoint?! diana Vous parlez anglais ? LONG FULL: dian look at alisa - img2\Timeline 10009.png diana Oui. Et vous parlez français ? diana Oui. Un petit peu. NONE: emtpy TITLE: nonsense - img/img4.jpg EPISODE: 15 end
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